I grew up in a family of small scale entrepreneurs in the 70s. Back then, there was nothing like
online home business
or doing business over the internet. My dad co-owned and operated 2
small sized retail shops in small towns. My mom, on the other hand,
owned and operated a small-scale whole sale foodstuff wholesale
Thanks to the income generated from these entrepreneurial activities, my
brothers, sisters and I possessed a few things that most other kids in
the neighborhood we lived in could not have.
To date, I can remember how some of our classmates envied us because to
them we came from a â€Å“privileged†home. If only they knew what mom
and dad â€"particularly my dad went through to turn a small profit on
the small ticket items he had on his store shelves.
During the week-ends and holidays, my elder brother and I had to go help
in the shop. The profit margins on the small item goods dad sold were
so low that there was no way he could employ more than one full time
help at a time. We restocked the shelves, took note of and placed new
orders, and we made sure the shop was always clean and neat.
Because of my direct involvement in the operation of both my mom̢۪s and
dad̢۪s businesses, I knew how difficult it was for them to turn enough
profit from these operations to feed us, clothe us, and send us to the
best schools. Mom did a little better than dad by way of profit margin
just because of the nature of her business and the business model she
But no matter how hard they worked, mom and dad never had a chance to
become wealthy. And I told myself that these were not the types of
businesses I looked forward to building when I grew up. My goal then as
it remains today is to find and build a perfect business that will make
me wealthy, healthy and happy.
Back then, I couldn̢۪t spell out clearly what specific requirements my
perfect business must meet. But there were 3 elements I wanted my future
business to have:
1) It should be based on something that makes me happy knowing that I am
making a difference in other people̢۪s lives. In other words, my ideal
business should make me feel that I am helping others realize their
2) It should be so flexible and easy I can operate it from virtually anywhere I choose.
3) It should have unlimited growth and profit generation potential.
â€Å“… But Ben, how can you convince me that your
business success
coaching and consulting practice meets all these 3 criteria when all
you’re doing is more or less billing by the hour or by the project?â€
â€"A colleague asked me at a business forum recently.
As I explained to him later, I am first and foremost an information
publisher and marketer. The coaching and consulting are added services I
provide to my most loyal and dedicated customers. We̢۪ll talk more
about information publishing and marketing in a subsequent article.
By early 2000, I knew my perfect business will have to be internet based, perhaps an online
home business.
Ever since outlining the 3 main elements of my perfect business a few
years back, I̢۪ve done a lot more thinking. I̢۪ve also studied and/or
spoken with or read the writings of some of the most successful business
entrepreneurs including my business mentors Michael Masterson, Jay
Abraham, Shel Horowitz, Bob Bly, Rich Schefren, MaryEllen Tribby, and a
host of others. As a result, I now have a clear set of the requirements a
business must meet to qualify as my ideal business.
Let̢۪s look at 3 additional requirements my perfect business must meet.
4) It should be a real business. Perhaps you̢۪ve spent some time online
in search of ideas, guides, or resources for your dream online home
business. And perhaps, you are quite familiar with some of the trash
that̢۪s being offered out there. This should not be the case. My ideal
business should be a real business with ease of entry and yet one which I
can build into a multi-million dollar operation in just a few years and
can easily sell out, if I so choose to for millions more. Quite
obviously, neither my dad̢۪s retail stores, nor my mom̢۪s wholesale
foodstuff business meet this particular criterion fully. Sure they were
real businesses but without the potential to make you wealthy.
5) To generate the kind of income that will make me wealthy, it would
have to have the entire world as its marketplace - not just a local
community or even an entire country.
6) Next, my perfect business should sell products that benefit from what
some call â€Å“inelastic†demand. By inelastic, I mean you the owner
and not the market should determine the price you charge for a
particular product. Even under the conditions of severe global economic
recession, there are inelastic products you can sell for huge profits.
There are a few other factors I look at in determining my perfect
business but these 6 are the major ones. Are you currently building a
perfect business? What factors do you consider in making that
determination? We̢۪ll like to know your views. Join the discussion
by Ben Aldo